Connections Concerts

  • Brand & Visual Design

    Connection Concerts

Connection Concerts ‘20 Social post design, Sophie Lippert. Designed: SUCHa. Photo: Jennifer Alyse.
Connection Concerts Logo Design: SUCHa & Wholehearted Business Development
Connection Concerts ‘20 Social Post showing audience feedback cards. Design: SUCHa
Connection Concerts 2019-20 Season Postcard. Design: SUCHa Photo: Jeff Freeman
Connection Concerts ‘20 Instagram Gallery. Design: SUCHa ans Wholehearted Business Devel
Connection Concerts 2019-20 Season Postcard Photo of piano, vintage red, blue and gold accents. Designed by SUCHa~Uplifting Brand Design in collaboration with Sophie Lippert and Wholehearted Business Development.

Discover • Support

Collaborating with Connections Concerts CEO Sophie Lippert, and support from heart-centered business development extraordinaire, Amanda Winn of Wholehearted Business, SUCHa led the brand design exploration and development for Connections Concerts (CC).

CC showcased Portland, Oregon artists (as well as some regional gems), honoring community and care in the forefront of live music experiences. CC offered eclectic combinations in music, where audiences are acknowledged as co-creators. Each show encouraged conversation to the Whys of music, community and arts education, bringing to light the acceptance that listening and conversations change the world.

Embracing the Discover and Support design phases, CC actively engaged in our custom design questionnaire, which guided our collaboration. The logo leading the CC brand system is the celebration of relationships. Besides the harmony of the two Cs, a sun and moon also arise, representing the expansive breath of artists and music presented throughout a CC season. As the logo’s whole shape, it is a Wishing Stone — a active effort (a wish with action) to build inclusiveness for communities through live music and conversations (represented by the transparent lines in the backgrounds). Combined together, these create an evolving communication system for CC’s digital and print assets.

In its inaugural 2019-20 season, CC presented five shows consisting of dozens of artists, attracting hundreds of audience members and highlighting female-powered businesses (through show artwork, design and VIP partnership).

CC’s live shows were affected by our global pandemic. During this time, Sophie began an online subscription series, Connection Sessions in 2021, exploring a monthly theme, week by week, which includes a live stream concert.

Design Stage Highlights


  • Logo Design Exploration
  • Color Palette System
  • Support Graphics (Background Textures & Patterns)
  • System for Social Media, Posters, Postcards, Playbills & Audience Feedback Cards
  • Website Enhancement


  • Poster & Playbill Design & Production
  • Social Media Templates
  • Website Maintenance
Client: Connections Concerts
Social Media Photo of Sophie Lippert by Jennifer Alyse. Season Postcard Photo by Jeff Freeman